Using Your Wrap Effectively

How a Wrap Generates Business
Despite what most people think, on-lookers don't see a wrap and then quickly jot the number down and call it.
Think about it. When you see an ad on TV or the internet for a product you want, like a Big Mac, you don't drop what you are doing and run out to McDonald's.
However, next time you're out looking for fast food you might seek out a McDonald's.
A vehicle wrap works in a similar way. You're driving your vehicle wrap around and someone sees it and they say "Wow, that looks cool." and then they go on with their day.
BUT, every time someone sees your wrap they develop a subliminal connection with your company.
The next time they're looking for an HVAC company (or whatever your company does) they'll come across your website with pictures of your wrap and they will have a feeling of familiarity with your company.
You need to put your wrap everywhere your company has a presence. Your website, Google places page, Facebook, Instagram, Myspace (If you are a time traveler from the past) etc. Even your business cards should have your wrap on it. The people that see your wrap and see it again in your online presence will have a better connection to your company.
Bottom line: You need to make your vehicle wrap as visible as you can both in real life and online.
Visibility in Real Life
Here are a few ideas to get your wrap seen in RL:
• If you have a store that is in plaza with sign restrictions a vehicle wrap is perfect.
• Take your wrap to events for even more notoriety. Concerts, ball games, demolition derbys, wine tastings. Bring your wrap everywhere.
• When you're our running errands, park your wrapped vehicle at the parking lot entrance or where your vehicle will be see the most.
• When going to trade shows, see if you can bring your wrapped vehicle into the venue. A wrapped vehicle conveys a level of success that die-cut graphics don't.
Visibility Online
A few ideas to help your Online Presence
• Next to your logo your vehicle wrap should be the prominently featured in your marketing material.
• For your Google places page your vehicle wrap should be the first thing people see.
• On social media make sure your wrapped vehicle in prominently used in your profile photo next to your logo.